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When you turn 50?!!
Where do you expect to be when you hit the big 50?
I'm 47 and something Rich said the other day got me to thinking about this. Age to me is just a number. While I don't wear Crocs, Affliction shirts, or Ed Hardy, I refuse to fall into the stereotypical age bracket and wear penny loafers, dress pants, and sweater vest.
I have had a successful career with FedEx, a mobile DJ business, a wonderful 17 yr marriage & raising a great kid. I attempt to stay somewhat relevant on pop culture & I have embraced my age and have no regrets or complaints.
Where do you see your life at 50? Does it scare you? Will you be happy your environment or do you reach a time when you accept your life where it is? The way I see it is I'd rather make getting older as cool & relevant as I can. I am who I am! If you want to be that 50 yr old that just works, goes home and exists, see ya later!!!


(I posted this on both forums)
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.

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