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What is the most $$$ you ever found?
So today I got gas at Rutters and the person before me forgot their change out of the little bowl at the cash register. I gave it to the clerk and she put it in the donation jar they have sittin on the counter. That's why I thought of starting this thread.

What is the most $$$ you ever found and did you get to keep it or try to return it?

So here's mine. Back in high school when I worked at Roy Rogers out along the Pa Turnpike, I was starting an evening shift. So I walked in the mens room getting ready to mop the floor and to my surprise was a $100 bill laying right smack on the middle of the floor! I couldn't believe it! I looked around and picked it up. As tempting as it was to just keep my mouth shut about it, I turned it in to the manager. So my shift passed by and she said that no one had claimed it yet. So anyway I got to keep it. I mean hell, that was like 2/3rds my weekly check at the time.
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I'm a juggernaut of awesomeness
$120. I bartended in college at the Friday night yuppy hang out. Lot's of cash in the joint. After we cleared the 3d floor and deck, where I worked, we had to clean up some. There was always money laying on the ground near the bar where drunks dropped it trying to get a drink. There was so much trash on the floor, it mixed in. The place was packed on Friday nights.

I found lot's of loot, but the most in one find was a $100 and $20 rolled together.
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
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When I pull dashboards out of cars to do hvac work I find money. one time there was 4 100 dollar bills. I always tell the customer. Sometimes they let me keep it.
I found a wad of money on the floor when I got in line at a store, but it was obvious that the person in front of me had dropped it, I handed it right over. I generally will turn the money in if I can. I found $5 on the beach, that I kept. There was no one around and no place to really turn it in.

I had a part time job that sent me to the Staples to make copies. I dropped the $20 I had taken over and the bitch behind me snatched it up with out a word. I had my hands full and didn't realize what happened til I went to pay. Talk about embarassing... I knew she grabbed it, the look of guilt was obvious. I couldn't accuse her, but I asked her if she saw the money and she said no. Fucking bitch...
Just because someone can call me Mom now doesn't mean I am gonna be Betty Freakin Cocker and bake any pies.
Beckster is the new Dexter
One time, at the local bar I go to a lot, the owner was behind the bar, I've come to know him. I was at a table and went up to the bar to get a drink. She gave me the drink. I gave her a 20. She gave the change to the owner to give me, he handed me the money rolled up. Later when I actually looked at it, it was about $85. I kept it.

And another time I found a wallet with $70 in it in the parking lot here at work, I held on to it for a day and the kid who lost it came back. I didn't keep any of that money.

Other then that, I've found a lot of $10's and $20's on the floor at bars. It pays to glance around the floor once or twice a night.
The most I found was $100. I was in high school walking to the movie theatre to meet some friends and was cutting through the drive through of the bank near my house. I looked down in the snow and saw the bill partially covered. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. When I got home I told my parents who told me I couldn't keep it because it wasn't mine. My Mom called the bank Monday morning to let them know what I found. The person she talked to said they would have no way of knowing who lost it and that I could keep it. I felt like such a baller. I bought a bunch of pizza and pop (or soda) for all my friends at the arcade and had a great time.
One time at the bar I was working at, a known drug dealer had left his backpack with us at the door but ended up getting kicked out for fighting. My buddy and I went through his bag and found just over $800 and a bunch of drugs in it. We split the cash and turned the bag over to the manager who called the cops and had him arrested. Dumbass. LOL
I found $20 on the ground at the bus stop in about 5th grade.
Once in awhile i'll find money in my pants pocket or laundry.
Other than that, that's it.

I always tell people if i see them drop money.

Don't know if it counts, but i got a notice of a class action lawsuit against my old health insurance co. I pretty much brushed it off as junk mail, but figured f-it i'll fill it out and send it back. About 7 months later i got a check in the mail for $900. Didn't do anything for it, so kinda like found money.

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