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Poundstone Power
For the record - I do plan on recording fact, I tried to record it tonight. But, in my haste to get ready for work this afternoon, I accidentally set my Sportster to channel 126 and recorded an NBA game. The show is on channel 125.
Confusedwoot: Confusedwoot: Confusedwoot:

I am actually interested in what the guys have to say, and I promise I will record these in the future. It's a little harder when you can't do it on the internet though...especially when you don't have one of the portable/recordable receivers.
[Image: laylasig.jpg]

"My #1 Dudebro...Greg Mercer from Pittsburgh." - Covino
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Dude, I'm sorry for being a smartass, but i think you'd make a better wide reciever or basketball player mercer. I don't know if lifting VW's is your thing, I'd leave that stuff to BDH. :grin:
Show is decent but how many times can I listen to a hillbilly call in and ask how to exercise at a truck stop?
[Image: mrmet-1.gif] [Image: 4abf8c1c-1-1.jpg]
Covino must be getting stronger, he carries that whole show
[Image: mrmet-1.gif] [Image: 4abf8c1c-1-1.jpg]
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but away from work I rarely listen to Sirius/Xm at all. Alot of listeners listen to way to much...IMO!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.
eddieyourdj Wrote:Not to be a Debbie Downer, but away from work I rarely listen to Sirius/Xm at all. Alot of listeners listen to way to much...IMO!!!

I could be one of those people you're talking about.
I start at 6 or 6:30 when I leave for work, listen while I'm at work and again on my ride home. And I get hom around 6:30, 7. And now that I don't have cable yet at my new place, if the Flyers are playing I'll listen to their game while I'm at home and that'll go until about 10:30.
I get my money's worth.
BigFan Wrote:Show is decent but how many times can I listen to a hillbilly call in and ask how to exercise at a truck stop?

Anytime a fitness expert comes on any show there are always truck drivers that call in and say they can't work out because they are truck drivers.

No one ever tells them that truck stop food and 12 hours a day on your ass is not good for you.
I thought this week's show wasn't as good as the previous week. I didn't hear the first week, but I heard it was a lot of fun. They just didn't have enough callers or emails this week, so Covino had to B.S. with Derek a little too much before Frank Shamrock showed up.

Maybe in the future they can do a little bit more planning and have a couple of fitness or time-management topics they can fall back on to talk about if the phones are dead. That's what the show is supposed to be about anyway. Without at least some discussions dealing with the main goal of the show, it seems a little weak. I like the funny interactions with the guys involved in the show, but I didn't think this was supposed to be another C&R type show. Isn't it supposed to be about Poundstone conveying his ability to manage time and share his knowledge on fitness?

I'm just being honest! I know it's going to take a little time for the show to get a base of fans. Hopefully with more callers and emails coming in the future they'll be able to balance it out better. Like Covino always says, it's not as easy as it looks. It's hard to fill time when there's nothing to really discuss.
[Image: laylasig.jpg]

"My #1 Dudebro...Greg Mercer from Pittsburgh." - Covino
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Greg Mercer Wrote:I thought this week's show wasn't as good as the previous week. I didn't hear the first week, but I heard it was a lot of fun. They just didn't have enough callers or emails this week, so Covino had to B.S. with Derek a little too much before Frank Shamrock showed up.

Maybe in the future they can do a little bit more planning and have a couple of fitness or time-management topics they can fall back on to talk about if the phones are dead. That's what the show is supposed to be about anyway. Without at least some discussions dealing with the main goal of the show, it seems a little weak. I like the funny interactions with the guys involved in the show, but I didn't think this was supposed to be another C&R type show. Isn't it supposed to be about Poundstone conveying his ability to manage time and share his knowledge on fitness?

I'm just being honest! I know it's going to take a little time for the show to get a base of fans. Hopefully with more callers and emails coming in the future they'll be able to balance it out better. Like Covino always says, it's not as easy as it looks. It's hard to fill time when there's nothing to really discuss.

I called into Poundstone this past week and he totally didn't answer my question (which I noticed he seems to do a lot of BTW). His fiancee ended up answer more of the question than he did. Subsequently some dude from Seattle (I think) called up and took issue w/ Poundstone not taking the questions seriously which I thought was awesome.

Overall I thought the show is so-so. I don't think Pounstone gets all of the little jokes that Covino drops and I also don't they are even in the same studio so the chemistry that C&R can make while being in different studios isn't there between Covino and Poundstone.
Rockitdog-C&R forum
Twitter: @TheMattEllis, FB:
Your analysis is (unfortunately) on point like Nonpoint. That guy that called seemed to have a legitimate complaint.

I don't want to be critical...still, it seems as though Poundstone is a highly specialized niche expert - powerlifting and policework. I think he knows a lot of the details about supplements and how food works for the body. However, his overall fitness routine knowledge (like someone who is a personal trainer would know) doesn't seem to be there. He even hinted that as last week he noted he's basically only lifted all his life. That's what he knows, and he's the man when it comes to the weight room.

When Covino tries to talk with Poundstone, you can tell that he's not as good a conversationalist which makes it sort of tough. I think Covino wants to bring funny elements of C&R to the show which is good, but there needs to be a good story to talk about or a fitness-related question that they can jump into from there. Otherwise, it's more like off-topic banter that doesn't really pertain to the main idea of the show. I would like to see more fitness-related discussion...maybe more stories from the fitness world, what Poundstone thinks about the story, and maybe some ways to relate it to normal life.

Bottom line - I think a show like this really requires a lot of prep work. It's not "a show about nothing and everything" where they can just talk about anything they want. They need to be more focused on fitness and figure out a way to be informative and funny at the same time. I know there are people out there that want to hear about fitness...when Basedow comes in to C&R, they get tons of phone calls. They still don't get to all the callers because C&R eventually deviate Basedow's discussions to their own personal questions. If/when the callers come to Poundstone Power, I think they should take the questions right away and see what they can do to answer them. If Poundstone can't answer them, then he needs to continue to have guests on that can answer them.

Anyway, I think the show has's still in the feeling out stage.
[Image: laylasig.jpg]

"My #1 Dudebro...Greg Mercer from Pittsburgh." - Covino
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What % of sirius listeners are looking to get into power lifting and strong man competitions? I'm so glad i'm hearing less and less C@R to follow my dreams of being a wine expert powerlifter. Real big market base for that, no?
negadave Wrote:What % of sirius listeners are looking to get into power lifting and strong man competitions? I'm so glad i'm hearing less and less C@R to follow my dreams of being a wine expert powerlifter. Real big market base for that, no?

I would like to be a wine expert. I'd like big muscles too, but being a wine expert is easier.
Stars Too is like college. You want to be a rocket scientist, but in order to do that you must take Art Appreciation.
negadave Wrote:What % of sirius listeners are looking to get into power lifting and strong man competitions? I'm so glad i'm hearing less and less C@R to follow my dreams of being a wine expert powerlifter. Real big market base for that, no?

The percentage that is paying for advertising time on said shows.

Sadly, I'm wondering if they even care about the number of listeners or market base of these niche shows. From what has happened to the replays of C&R (less time on air to accommodate Wine and Web/Spice), the amount of ads that C&R are now doing live reads for (I think it's 2 an hour now), and shows that are paying to be on Sirius like Fool's Advice and Spice (and probably Wine and Web), the suits just want the advertising dollars.

Still, you need listeners to use these services for the companies to keep spending money on advertising. Proflowers loves C&R because of all the referrals they get.
[Image: laylasig.jpg]

"My #1 Dudebro...Greg Mercer from Pittsburgh." - Covino
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I'd personally like less replays and more live shows. In the days of Maxim we had a solid lineup. I know they won't bring back the lineup, but the scheduling was better. It transitioned from show to show without replays in between. The replays ran at night like they should have for those of you that work over night. In a perfect world we'd have a solid morning show followed up by a 1-2 hour Specialty show like Wine and Web and then to C&R followed up by Jay Thomas. After Jay is over most of the people that went to work during the morning show are home and the late shift is starting their day. Might as well start the replays then and let those guys catch up on the day.

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