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I was wondering what happened to Stretch on Elli's show and I found this blog.

It reads...


Before we get into this, let me start off by saying that I haven’t spoken to anyone about the absence of Stretch other than fans. I have only received the same answer as everyone else when talking to Ellis, “I can’t talk about it”. All that said, I am almost positive the reasons I lay out below are the reasons why Stretch is no longer at the show.

Stretch hosts two other podcasts apart from doing the Jason Ellis Show. He has a daily podcast called “The Imbiber Show” which is all about drinking. But not the fun drinking… the wine tasting kind of drinking. They have cheese guests and cleanse their pallets’. That show used to be recorded in the same studio as TJES.

Stretch also has a daily show called “Jack and Stench” which stars Stretch a.k.a. Stench and Jack, a former cohort from a former radio show. This show is very casual, two dudes on Skype recording their conversations about their lives. If you didn’t know it was a show, you thought someone had tapped their phones. They also charge $5 a month to listen.

After hearing of Stretch’s disappearance from the Ellis show, I decided I needed to figure what happened. Since we weren’t ever going to hear Stretch on our show, maybe I could get some info on what happened from his side of the table.

As I began to skim through podcasts, I noticed some things that stood out. One was the amount of “pop-shots” Stretch was taking on Ellis and the show. In one instance, Stretch mentions how “work” is being bitchy about him watching the Grammys. I put work in quotes, because every time he would say “work” it would immediately be in reference to Ellis directly, the shows demeanor or the people dealing with the show (fans, guests, etc…). It was never “work” as in, Sirius/XM or the amount of paperwork, or the early hours on Friday. It was always personal.

So then I finally found the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Due to copyright laws (they charge a subscription fee), I can’t post the audio. But I can transcribe it for you. I didn’t capitalize those words below because they stuck-out to me, I did it because he emphasized those words himself. Here it goes:

Stretch- …Because I learned something on the other show today that I want to bring to OUR people… who are SANE…and… I don’t think where you’re drastically unhappy, where your miserable. Like with work, I’m miserable unhappy. Like, I’m leaving. If that’s a relationship, I’m divorcing, I’m leaving, I’m going, but I’m making sure I get all my shit, ya know, in order before I do that.

Jack- Your waiting for the next relationship.

Stretch- Yes, exactly. I need my next bitch before I can bounce out of that relationship. So that’s the way it is and I think a lot of people do that, bounce between relationship and relationship and whatever, and I think work is kind of like a relationship.

Jack- I think it makes more sense with work, I think in a bad relationship you should bounce even if you don’t have a backup relationship, which many people don’t.

Stretch- Oh yeah, I’m leaving no….(sounded like he was going to say ‘no matter what’).

Jack- …I totally support you not leaving before you have a backup relationship.

My guess is Pendarvis heard this audio and gave him the boot. In any job, you can’t say stuff like that and expect to still work at the same company. That comment sealed his fate along with the dozens of other stabs. It’s a shame how he can really dislike everything he produced and yet spin it on everyone else.

That pretty much seals the deal on the Stretch Saga forever. Unless something crazy happens, I’m done covering it.

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