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What would you do?
It's probably not the popular answer, but I had to turn the package in to my manager. I am responsible for the packages on the truck that I drive on a daily basis. By that I mean that I sign off every day acknowledging that I checked my vehicle for packages. So technically everyone who drive that vehicle between the day I found the package & the day back in June when it fell behind the supply rack could be written up. Back in the good old days it was different, but in today's tough economic times when company's are targeting tenured employees looking to reasons to leave a paper trail to termination, you must C.Y.A.(cover your ---). It's not personal, it's survival my friends. What is so sad is that I was totally not this kind of employee years ago. Now it's every employee for himself. Teamwork is a thing of the past!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.

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