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Auto Immune Disease
About a year ago my wife began having some health issues. Her symptoms were fatigue, weight loss & gain, occasional low grade fever and mild skin rash. The main one being fatigue. We have been to several doctors and dermatologists in the last year and no one seemed to figure this thing out. For a while, we were leaning towards an allergic reaction so two different skin biopsies were done. The dermatologist was telling us that it could take years to figure out what she was allergic to. After a long struggle and tired of doctors not being concerned or caring, a friend recommended another. Reluctantly we went, with no expectations, and this doctor took extra time to listen. After 2 hrs of talking and a physical, after a year of confusion, we finally figured out that my wife has Auto Immune Disease. The doctor drew 7 vials of blood and is currently having numerous tests run to confirm the diagnosis.
Our next steps are to find out which one it is. There are over 80 types. From what we know at this time, this is a very manageable disease. Although there is no cure, the process is to figure out which form she has and control/treat the symptoms.
The good news, if any, is that we finally know what it is and are working to figure this thing out. Like asthma(which I have), you just have to learn to manage & control the symptoms.
She can still live, work, and function, it's just understanding that some days will be better than others with her main symptom being fatigue. Some days, she just needs to rest when she gets home from work.
We are so blessed to have the ability to live, function, work and just have basic abilities when so many are less fortunate and are handicap in some capacity. I just ask that you take time to appreciate yourself and your ability to function. We are a strong couple and this just something to make us that much stronger in life and love. I just ask that you take care of yourselves and your families and take nothing for granted in life.
We know little about Auto Immune Disease, but we are beginning to learn more as we figure out which form that she has. If you know anything about this or someone who has it, feel free to share. Thanks for listening... Eddie!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.

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